Who Are We?
About the Renovate Group
Our Name
RENOVATE means: “to restore life, vigor, or activity.” We seek to renovate the church within the Western Hemisphere through the development of a new spirit towards revitalization and renewal.
Our Mission
RENOVATE seeks to influence, train, and equip a group of church revitalizers that multiplies rapidly across the west with effective principles, ideas and solutions for the enhanced reproduction of church renewal in America.
Our Vision
To see an ever-magnifying number of church revitalizers working across multi-denominational fields for the revitalization of plateaued and declining churches.
We seek to assist the local church in becoming fully restored and actively bold in its ongoing witness for Jesus Christ! Ours is a ministry of coming alongside of the local church and help accelerate the restoration necessary to revitalize the church. RENOVATE is not in competition with the church, but a vessel to assist the church through renewal and revitalization.
Church Growth
We seek to assist the local church in the redesigning of its ministry structures in order to begin to bounce back into a healthy vitality and visual activity of church growth. With so many churches seeing members and prospect fall away from their fellowship, now is the time to confront the issues inhabiting the New Testament church from growth. Renewed influence in ones community takes a radical overhaul of how the church does ministry.
We seek to work together for the cause of Christ is much greater than our own desires within the local church. Collaboration allows the best practices of revitalization to be assimilated within the Christian community for the expansion of the Kingdom. All of us are better than one of us and RENOVATE seeks to draw key revitalization practioners together with life long learners to work synergistically in order that we achieve more.
We are seeking partners an association of partners that have:
· A willingness to work with other Kingdom partners in order to advance the cause of Church Revitalization and Renewal.
· Groups that desire to further Church Revitalization within their kingdom expressions.
· Organizations that display a caring concern and understanding of church revitalization.
· Partners that have a willingness to make a contribution and give wise counsel to the RENOVATE Coaching Network on how we can be more efficient at connecting with all forms of leaders needing assistance in revitalization and renewal.
· Associates which seek to continue the cause of revitalization and desire a platform for their efforts in church renewal.
· Alliances which are willing to display and list the RENOVATE Coaching Network visibly on their Website.
· In addition,we seek to provide a visual place on our RENOVATE web site for our partners to have a continuing affiliation with our followers, for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom through church revitalization and renewal.
For more information on becoming an alliance partner, contact us via email or call 407-293-0450, to discuss opportunities for getting involved in the RENOVATE Network and its cooperating members.